
On the happiness of roadkill-picker-uppers & the "war on work"

Gary Jones at Muck & Mystery wrote recently about thinking and manual labor.

It reminded me of a wonderful short talk that Mike "Dirty Jobs" Rowe gave about an epiphany he had while castrating a lamb.

Rowe also skewers the tendency of semi-informed staffers at places like the Humane Society (and the SPCA and PETA) to lecture the rest of us when far too often they don't have personal experience and don't really know what they're talking about.

I wonder whether any of these groups have responded to Rowe's video.

UPDATE: Gary and his readers area way ahead of me. Here's his take on the Dirty Jobs show:
My reaction is usually that I wish he'd explore the thinking side of the dirty jobs, though I understand that this isn't the show's purpose.

For example, his show on insemination of dairy cattle focused on the squick factor of palpating a cow rather than the knowledge and skill of doing the right thing at the right time. Dairies fail because of lack of knowledge and management skill rather than because someone is too delicate to shove his arm into a cows rear.

If he did a show on office workers the emphasis would be on paper cuts and carpal tunnel injuries, the horrors of the shared coffee station, and the indignities of the daily commute. Those are real issues, and popular TV fare, but not the ones that intrigue me
I don't think you can say it any better than that.

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